
Saatzoglou Farm was founded in 1987 in Philippi, Kavala by the Saatzoglou family. Continuing the long course in the field of production and distribution of superior quality meat, observing all the rules and European standards, today it is developing as a standard unit, hosting 3.500 pigs fed exclusively on Greek cereals.

Saatzoglou Farm manufactures quality Greek meat products at its facilities and supplies butchers and catering establishments. The HACCP certified processor allows the production process to place customer orders in a short period of time, serving the company's customer base quickly.

The laboratory, the heart of the business, has new technology refrigerators, with controlled humidity levels, ensuring that the meat is properly preserved. Quick cooling tunnel helps to immediately cool the meat products, ensuring their proper quality.

The largest percentage of butchers in the wider area is served by the Saatzoglou Farm. Butcher shops and restaurants in the prefectures of Kavala, Drama, Serres and Thassos have been procured by the Saatzoglou Farm Farm, calves and preparations since 1987. The farm's trucks guarantee the proper handling of the goods and checks required in their final destination, all available.

The need for continuous development following the traditions of our place, allows the company to grow over time.

The love of the Saatzoglou family offers you the best local meats of all kinds (chicken, pork, beef) as well as traditional sausages produced by it.

In the laboratory of the Saatzoglou Farm in Philippi, a wide variety of excellent quality meat products made with the purest ingredients is produced. The products are available at the main privately owned store at 2 Charilaou Trikoupi Street in Krinides, Kavala, with the possibility of shipping throughout Greece. The products are also supplied in restaurants all over Greece.

FARMA SAATZOGLOU is Certified with the Gold Award of AUTHENTIC TASTE OF GREECE 2020 & 2021 & 2022 & 2023 & 2024



Ο οργανισμός του Greek Taste Beyond Borders® GTBB
πιστοποίησε/βράβευσε την ΦΑΡΜΑ ΣΑΑΤΖΟΓΛΟΥ στους Φιλίππους Καβάλας με το βραβείο “AUTHENTIC TASTE OF GREECE 2020 - GOLD AWARD” ΒΡΑΒΕΙΟ ΑΥΘΕΝΤΙΚΗΣ ΕΛΛΗΝΙΚΗΣ ΓΕΥΣΗΣ® για την μακρόχρονη πορεία στον χώρο της παραγωγής και διάθεσης ανώτερης ποιότητας κρέατος.

Η Φάρμα Σαατζόγλου  ιδρύθηκε  το 1987 στoυς  Φιλίππους Καβάλας από την οικογένεια Σαατζόγλου. Συνεχίζοντας τη μακρόχρονη πορεία στον χώρο της παραγωγής και διάθεσης ανώτερης ποιότητας κρέατος τηρώντας όλους τους κανόνες και τις ευρωπαϊκές προδιαγραφές , σήμερα αναπτύσσεται σαν πρότυπη μονάδα, φιλοξενώντας 3.500 χοίρους, που τρέφονται αποκλειστικά με Ελληνικά σιτηρά καθώς δε γίνεται η χορήγηση αντιβιοτικών στο στάδιο πάχυνσης.

Η εταιρία “ΦΑΡΜΑ ΣΑΑΤΖΟΓΛΟΥ”, θα συμμετάσχει στο ετήσιο παγκόσμιο συνέδριο του 🇬🇷GREEK TASTE BEYOND BORDERS® GTBB στο Κέντρο Πολιτισμού ίδρυμα Σταύρος Νιάρχος ΚΠΙΣΝ, ανάμεσα σε άλλα premium brand και στους επίσημους Πρεσβευτές της Ελληνικής και παγκόσμιας Γαστρονομίας, υπό την Αιγίδα του Υπουργείου Τουρισμού, του ΕΟΤ και του Δήμου Αθηναίων, 19 Οκτωβρίου 2020 | Ambassadors of Taste Global Conference- Athens Greece. Το γεγονός αυτό θα ενδυναμώσει το διαρκώς αυξανόμενο business network του οργανισμού GTBB, που λειτουργεί έξυπνα και αποτελεσματικά για την διάδοση της ελληνικής γεύσης παγκοσμίως.

The organization of Greek Taste Beyond Borders® GTBB presented the 🏅“AUTHENTIC TASTE OF GREECE 2020 - GOLD AWARD” ΒΡΑΒΕΙΟ ΑΥΘΕΝΤΙΚΗΣ ΕΛΛΗΝΙΚΗΣ ΓΕΥΣΗΣ® to “SAATZOGLOU FARM” for its long-term service in the field of production and distribution of superior quality meat.

Saatzoglou Farm was founded in 1987 in Philippi, Kavala by the Saatzoglou family. Continuing the long course in the field of production and distribution of superior quality meat, observing all the rules and European standards, today it is developing as a standard unit, hosting 3.500 pigs fed exclusively on Greek cereals.

GTBB organization is dominating in the promotion of Greek taste & gastronomy throughout the world, utilizing modern branding methods and the most effective business networking platform for 🇬🇷Greece and its global representation. The prestigious awards mentioned as “top honors” by GTBB have a significant role and are presented exclusively to premium Greek brands for their excellent quality standards and conformity to core values. The process of the certification was implemented under the GTBB Prototype which adopts a protocol number policy and a modernized evaluation method carried out by the GTBB taste experts committee, associated to high value standards of quality and taste.

SAATZOGLOU FARM will participate in the annual global conference of Greek Taste Beyond Borders® GTBB - AMBASSADORS OF TASTE® GLOBAL CONFERENCE in Athens, Greece among other certified brands by the GTBB organization. The conference will take place on 19 October, 2020 at the Stavros Niarchos Foundation Cultural Center (SNFCC) under the auspices of Ministry of Tourism, GNTO and City of Athens.


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