MILBA ButterFactory supplies the Greek market with high quality milk butter products, made in a traditional way and with a lot of ‘’meraki’’.
Maintaining high quality standards from the careful selection of raw materials until the final delivery of its products to the customer, MILBA steadily improves its customer base and customer loyalty in the Greek market, gaining an increasing share in the preferences of Greek consumers.
Greek producers from every corner of the Greek territory are the suppliers of the raw material MILBA selects. That fact gives our company the main advantage of being a pioneer in delicious types of milk butter, suitable for every use: confectionery, cooking, home.
The continuous enrichment of the company's codes constantly strengthens its loyalty and the growing preference of its products in the field of professionals, but also retail.
MILBA chooses to enhance the added value of the Greek identity of its products, giving special emphasis to the traditional way of their production.
MILBA’s butter products:
Traditional Cow Butter, melted, 99.8% fat
Cow Butter with vanillin, melted, 99.8% fat
Cow Butter with carotene, melted, 99.8% fat
Cow Butter with vanillin and carotene, melted, 99.8% fat
Fermente Carotene, Cow Butter with carotene, melted, 99.8% fat
Traditional Fresh Cow Butter, Corfu type, 82% fat
Fresh Cow Butter,European type, 82% fat
Fresh Cow Butter with carotene, European type, 82% fat
Golden Fresh Butter, 82% fat
Traditional Sheep and Goat Butter, melted, 99.8% fat
Ghee Sheep and Goat Butter, melted, 99.8% fat
Traditional Fresh Sheep and Goat Butter, Corfu type, 82% fat
MILBA ButterFactory is Certified with the Gold Award of AUTHENTIC TASTE OF GREECE 2020 & 2021 & 2022
Ο οργανισμός του Greek Taste Beyond Borders® GTBB πιστοποίησε-βράβευσε την εταιρία “MILBA ΒΟΥΤΥΡΟΚΟΜΕΙΟ” για τον πρωταγωνιστικό της ρόλο στην παραγωγή υψηλής ποιότητας παραδοσιακού ελληνικού βουτύρου με το σήμα ποιότητας-Βραβείο Αυθεντικής Ελληνικής Γεύσης – Authentic Taste of Greece 2020 & 2021 – Gold Award.
Η διαδικασία πιστοποίησης-βράβευσης που εκδίδεται με αριθμό πρωτοκόλλου αρχειοθέτησης φακέλου του οργανισμού GTBB βασίστηκε στο GTBB prototype που ενσωματώνει σύγχρονη μέθοδο αξιολόγησης πολλών παραγόντων με την εποπτεία της ειδικής επιτροπής των taste experts του GTBB. Το σήμα του Authentic Taste of Greece Gold Award αποτελεί ένα ισχυρό διαπιστευτήριο ποιότητας με χρήση σαν στάμπα πάνω στα Ελληνικά προϊόντα με σκοπό την ανάδειξη τους στα ράφια της παγκόσμιας αγοράς.
Η MILBA εδρεύει στην Αθήνα και δραστηριοποιείται, επιτυχώς, στην παραγωγή ζωικού βουτύρου, από το 2008. Η MILBA αποτελεί ένα παραδοσιακό βουτυροκομείο, μια οικογενειακή επιχείρηση που στεγάζεται σε σύγχρονες εγκαταστάσεις, στον Καματερό Αττικής. Ως εργαστήριο επεξεργασίας και συσκευασίας βουτύρου, διακρίνεται για την παραγωγή προϊόντων εξαιρετικής ποιότητας, κάτι που αποτελεί, άλλωστε, ηθική δέσμευση για τους ανθρώπους της MILBA.
EN The organization of Greek Taste Beyond Borders® GTBB presented the “AUTHENTIC TASTE OF GREECE 2020 & 2021 - GOLD AWARD” ΒΡΑΒΕΙΟ ΑΥΘΕΝΤΙΚΗΣ ΕΛΛΗΝΙΚΗΣ ΓΕΥΣΗΣ® to MILBA ButterFactory for the leading role in the production of Greek traditional Butter.
GTBB organization is dominating in the promotion of Greek taste & gastronomy throughout the world, utilizing modern branding methods and the most effective business networking platform for Greece and its global representation. The prestigious awards mentioned as “top honors” by GTBB have a significant role and are presented exclusively to premium Greek brands for their excellent quality standards and conformity to core values. The process of the certification was implemented under the GTBB Prototype which adopts a protocol number policy and a modernized evaluation method carried out by the GTBB taste experts committee, associated to high value standards of quality and taste.
MILBA ButterFactory supplies the Greek market with high quality milk butter products, made in a traditional way and with a lot of ‘’meraki’’.
Maintaining high quality standards from the careful selection of raw materials until the final delivery of its products to the customer, MILBA steadily improves its customer base and customer loyalty in the Greek market, gaining an increasing share in the preferences of Greek consumers.
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