
The team of "The Greek Butcher" is based in Thrace, in the city of Komotini. Continuing the long tradition it has received from previous generations, it sets the standards for dry aging beef in Greece. In our modern facilities in the settlement of Mesochori, Komotini, we mature selected pieces of beef and mutton for at least 8 weeks, applying all health rules and controls. Our goal is to satisfy the most demanding meat eaters and to pass on to our audience our love for ripe meat and its benefits.

PRODUCTS: Pastourmás Vóeios - Pastourmás Próveios - Kavourmás Vóeios - Piperáto Vóeio Kréas Orímansis -Merntiniastó Soutzoúki Orímansis - Loukániko/Soutzoúki Komotinís

THE GREEK BUTCHER is Certified with the Gold Award of AUTHENTIC TASTE OF GREECE 2020 & 2021 & 2022





Ο οργανισμός του Greek Taste Beyond Borders® GTBB
πιστοποίησε/βράβευσε την εταιρία THE GREEK BUTCHER στην Θράκη με έδρα την Κομοτηνή με το βραβείο 🏅 “AUTHENTIC TASTE OF GREECE 2020 - GOLD AWARD” ΒΡΑΒΕΙΟ ΑΥΘΕΝΤΙΚΗΣ ΕΛΛΗΝΙΚΗΣ ΓΕΥΣΗΣ® για την παραγωγή Βοείου κρέατος ξηρής ωρίμανσης, την πολυετή της προσφορά στην διατήρηση των αυθεντικών ελληνικών κρεατοπαρασκευασμάτων όπως: Παστουρμάς Βόειος - Παστουρμάς Πρόβειος - Καβουρμάς Βόειος - Πιπεράτο Βόειο Κρέας Ωρίμανσης - Μερντινιαστό Σουτζούκι Ωρίμανσης - Λουκάνικο/Σουτζούκι Κομοτηνής, καθώς και για την στήριξη της εγχώριας παραγωγής «ελληνικής φάρμας & κτηνοτρόφων».

Η εταιρία “THE GREEK BUTCHER”, θα συμμετάσχει στο ετήσιο παγκόσμιο συνέδριο του 🇬🇷GREEK TASTE BEYOND BORDERS® GTBB στο Κέντρο Πολιτισμού ίδρυμα Σταύρος Νιάρχος ΚΠΙΣΝ, ανάμεσα σε άλλα premium brand και στους επίσημους Πρεσβευτές της Ελληνικής και παγκόσμιας Γαστρονομίας, υπό την Αιγίδα του Υπουργείου Τουρισμού, του ΕΟΤ και του Δήμου Αθηναίων, 19 Οκτωβρίου 2020 | Ambassadors of Taste Global Conference- Athens Greece. Το γεγονός αυτό θα ενδυναμώσει το διαρκώς αυξανόμενο business network του οργανισμού GTBB, που λειτουργεί έξυπνα και αποτελεσματικά για την διάδοση της ελληνικής γεύσης παγκοσμίως.

The organization of Greek Taste Beyond Borders® GTBB presented the 🏅“AUTHENTIC TASTE OF GREECE 2020 - GOLD AWARD” ΒΡΑΒΕΙΟ ΑΥΘΕΝΤΙΚΗΣ ΕΛΛΗΝΙΚΗΣ ΓΕΥΣΗΣ® to “THE GREEK BUTCHER” for its long-term dedication to the production of dry aging beef and the mastering of traditional meat recipes (Pastourmás Vóeios - Pastourmás Próveios - Kavourmás Vóeios - Piperáto Vóeio Kréas Orímansis -Merntiniastó Soutzoúki Orímansis - Loukániko/Soutzoúki Komotinís) and its support to local farmers all over Greece.

The team of "The Greek Butcher" is based in Thrace, in the city of Komotini. Continuing the long tradition it has received from previous generations, it sets the standards for dry maturation in Greece.

GTBB organization is dominating in the promotion of Greek taste & gastronomy throughout the world, utilizing modern branding methods and the most effective business networking platform for 🇬🇷Greece and its global representation. The prestigious awards mentioned as “top honors” by GTBB have a significant role and are presented exclusively to premium Greek brands for their excellent quality standards and conformity to core values. The process of the certification was implemented under the GTBB Prototype which adopts a protocol number policy and a modernized evaluation method carried out by the GTBB taste experts committee, associated to high value standards of quality and taste.

🌐CEO IOANNIS MAVROPOULOS said, “In our modern facilities in the settlement of Mesochori, Komotini, we mature selected pieces of beef and mutton for at least 8 weeks, applying all health rules and controls. Our goal is to satisfy the most demanding meat eaters and to pass on to our audience our love for ripe meat and its benefits. With a modern look, we revive traditional recipes, such as soutzoukia, pasturmades, kavourmas etc., using ground beef and high-quality spices. We select collaborations with farmers from all over Greece, and offer premium products to our customers.”

THE GREEK BUTCHER will participate in the annual global conference of Greek Taste Beyond Borders® GTBB - AMBASSADORS OF TASTE® GLOBAL CONFERENCE in Athens, Greece among other certified brands by the GTBB organization. The conference will take place on 19 October, 2020 at the Stavros Niarchos Foundation Cultural Center (SNFCC) under the auspices of Ministry of Tourism, GNTO and City of Athens.